The ClEP project

Objectives of the ClEP project

ClEP aims at contributing to improved measurement approaches in the context of the national requirements resulting from the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN SDGs. The project focuses on developing a coherent set of energy and climate policy indicators that covers the whole energy chain from energy services to energy supply as well as the three dimensions of sustainable development and thus addresses issues relevant for both, the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN SDGs, especially for the goals "Affordable and Clean Energy" and "Climate Action".

ClEP integrates the energy service based research perspective and measurement approaches for sustainable energy development aiming at developing consistent energy service based indicators and applying them for Austria and selected EU Member States. Sustainable energy indicators will be developed for energy services that are related to three major areas of final energy demand: transport, buildings and manufacturing. These demand-side indicators will be complemented by indicators for sustainable energy supply. The indicators will cover the three dimensions of sustainable development. Especially the social indicators (e.g. quality of life, gender equity and social cohesion) need further development and systematic, crosscutting inclusion into the indicator system, since social sustainability is often marginalized. Synergies and trade-offs between different goals described by the indicators will be assessed. Moreover, a composite index of sustainable energy and climate policy will be specified in order to provide an overall picture of a country's development that can be more easily communicated than the detailed results for the different single indicators.

The ClEP indicator set will be compiled for Austria and a selection of other European countries for the period 1990 to 2014 given data availability. Based on an analysis of the historic development as well as on a literature review policy recommendations will be developed.

Work Packages

WP1: Methodological Approach

WP2: Interlinkages between Indicators

WP3: Compilation of Demand-Side Indicators

WP4: Compilation of Supply-Side Indicators

WP5: Cross Country Comparison

Last update: 19 May 2017