Work Package 4: Compilation of Supply-Side Indicators


Electricity and heat supply accounted for approximately 13% of Austrian GHG emissions and respectively 29% of EU GHG emissions in 2014. In contrast to the demand side sectors electricity and heat supply is only indirectly related to energy services. Final energy demand from residential buildings, mobility and manufacturing determines the energy input required to supply power and heat. Thus, emissions are a result of the transformation technologies used (plant types, stand-alone vs. poly-generation technologies), the fuel mix and the level of final demand that has to be satisfied.

The structure of energy indicators for this sector hence deviates from the demand-side sectors. Electricity and heat supply can be described using the parameters transformation output, transformation input as well as transformation and distribution losses.

Along these lines, for electricity and heat supply indicators like energy efficiency or specific emissions are compiled and embedded in an integrated modelling approach that takes into account the different technologies (plant types, energy sources) as developed in the KliEn funded project EnergyTransition.

Last update: 19 May 2017